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#policyjny pościg

Pościg za gówniarzami
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-05, 22:00
Gnojki w wieku od 13 do 16 lat postanowili pobawić się z gliniarzami w berka. Niecierpliwi przewinąć sobie do końca.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Glendale police have released new video showing a car full of teenagers leading officers on a chase across a schoolyard.

They arrested four teenagers Thursday.

Officers said they stole a car and led them on a chase.

"He's going towards the school," one officer said on the dash camera video. "OK, we're going through the grass here."

At least three officers chased the suspects for 10 minutes before the driver crashed into a light pole and the teens ran from the scene.

The teenage driver sped over the sidewalk near Bayshore Mall.

"Weaving through traffic. It may have struck a car," an officer calls out on the police radio.

The stolen blue Hyundai drove through a neighborhood and back onto North Port Washington Road.

Speeds reached at least 70 mph.

At one point, the chase crossed the soccer fields and playground at Glen Hills Middle School.

"He's going through the park. He's gonna be coming out in the middle, he's going towards the school. OK, we're going through the grass here. Terminate. He's going to be coming out on range line," an officer calls out on the radio.

As the officer driving on the grass suspended his pursuit because of the danger, others picked it up on the other side.

"I'm going to reinitiate," another officer said. "He just went through a damn playground."

After racing through the neighborhood, the car crashed a few minutes later.

The four kids inside, ranging in age from 13 to 16 years old, bailed out and ran.

They were all quickly arrested.

After the car drove across the school playground, it went across Kim Giles' front yard.

"It's very scary. It's very scary," she said. "You hear about this every single day on TV. I mean at some point it has to stop. You know, because there's innocent people getting killed, innocent children getting killed, and these are children actually doing this."

No injuries were reported.

Police have not identified the teens involved.

Charges of fleeing, operating vehicle without owner's consent, first-degree reckless endangering safety and resisting an officer will be filed against the 14-year-old boy who was driving the car.

Charges of operating a vehicle without owner's consent (passenger) and resisting an officer will be filed against the three passengers.
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